Tag: PhD

Ph.D. thesis

As I promised before, you’ll find here the text and slides of my Ph.D. thesis (btw text and slides are in French). The oral presentation was on March 24th, 2010 and everything was fine 🙂 Slides can be watched below.

Every year the same?

Every year, same resolutions. And same end? As I did previous years, I promised to myself to update this blog more often but it seems “daily life” events caught me up.

This year, I resigned from my position at Callataÿ & Wouters (C&W). A lot can be said and written but overall, it was an interesting experience. I’ve learned a lot about software development and how to manage people (or not). Finally, I’ve met some very interesting people. Let’s close this chapter now.

Open space office


This year, I finally finished my Ph.D. thesis! The public defense will be on March 24th, 2010 in Liege (Roskam lecture hall). I’ll talk about rat hippocampus, proteins, stress, sleep (deprivation) and cognition. The final text will be available here after that.

And finally, I’m joining GSK biologicals. This is a new challenge but, from what I’ve seen so far, I think I’ll enjoy it a lot!

So I hope to resume posting more frequently on this blog (and with stuff more interesting than my own personal life) 🙂 Stay tuned!

A seventh scientific paper from the Poirrier-Falisse!

Finally, a seventh scientific paper is published by the Poirrier-Falisse. After a huge batch of articles from Nandini, here is my second paper:

Poirrier J.E., Guillonneau F., Renaut J., Sergeant K., Luxen A., Maquet P. and Leprince P.: “Proteomic changes in rat hippocampus and adrenals following short-term sleep deprivation” Proteome Science, 2008, 6(1):14
doi: 10.1186/1477-5956-6-14

Very briefly, in this study we show the influence of 4 hours of prolonged wakefulness in rats hippocampus and adrenals proteome. As usual, this paper is published in an Open Access journal. Here is my updated BibTeX file (and I also updated Nandini’s BibTeX file).

Since the publication of two papers in peer-reviewed journals is a requirement, I will now be able to finish and defend my Ph.D. thesis …