Month: December 2006

Happy holidays and new year 2007!

It’s a bit late to wish you a merry Christmas (if you celebrate this event). But it’s still time to wish you a happy new year 2007. 🙂 And now, a little video-clip/remake from Boymongoose (some background about India needed).

You like Indian self-satire? Here is Welcome to the Laddu shop (after 50 Cent “Candy shop”) and Curry n Spice girl (after Gwen Stefani’s “Hollaback Girl”) (a lot of background about India needed). OK now, back to real work …

A day in front of DeCyder

The whole day, I was busy working with DeCyder, a software to analyse spots of proteins in 2D gels. I hope I won’t dream of small red/yellow/green dots tonight:

DeCyder screenshot

The software use a 3D representation of the spot. If we change this view too fast (either by moving it or by quickly browsing through spots), the graphic diplay freezes and we fall back to an ugly VGA mode (screenshot below). Since the morning, the computer crashed 7 times! I reduced the screen resolution to 1024x768pixels in 24bits colours and it seems to work correctly now. 🙂

Error when moving DeCyder 3D representation too fast

Kuchipudi at Bozar

This evening, we went to see Mallika Sarabhai dancing Kuchipudi at Bozar. Kuchipudi is a dance from South India. It looks a little bit like Bharatanatyam (with my non-specialists eyes) but with more contact with the audience (or is it the way it was performed by these specific dancers?).

I think that if you want to see only one dance from India, you have to see Bharata Natyam. If you want a gentle introduction to Indian dance, Kuchipudi can be more accessible.

First tryout of Jadoo


This is my first post with the Jadoo blog engine. As I stated before, I was planning to write my own blog software with these goals:

  • Simplicity
  • No PHP nor any script for the client
  • All the processing done un Python, offline
  • No DB
  • (maybe some other goals but I don’t remember them, right now)

I’ll try to apply the "release soon, release often" principle (where does it came from?): before writing an entry, launch ; to create html files, launch ; then upload html files with your FTP client (scripts are highly customized for my blog, for the moment ; and everything doesn’t respect all the standards). I’ll also to retrieve all my previous posts (but the URL will be changed ; the RSS URL also changed). But for the moment, I have other important work to do … There is no system for comments for the moment (I don’t know if there will be one in the future) but you can send me comments and requests to

Oh yes, and I’ll try to add a decent CSS 🙂

Spice corner at Bozar Bazaar

Yesterday, we went for the Bazaar organised by the Bozar. While people were selling Indian bibelots and food (yummy!), Nandini set up a “Spice Corner” where she exposed and explained everything about Indian spices (you could even taste Pan Masala!). She had quite a success but, unfortunately for some visitors, Nandini did not sell anything. Our famous Peter also had a table for Rose vzw that was represented by Swapna (they were still there on Sunday).

Nandini and Swapna at the Spice Corner, Bozar Bazaar, December 9th 2006

The Bazaar was held in the Horta hall where we also were able to see performances by a folk Rajasthan group, a Bhangra group and two would-be Bollywood actors 😉 The theme was, obviously, Popular India.

Bhangra group performing at Bozar, December 9th 2006

In the evening we went to hear Asha Bhosle, the Queen of Bollywood songs. Although she has her age, listening to her real voice is a totally different experience than listening to a CD or watching a song from a film on DVD. I found this concert great!

From far, Asha Bhosle at Bozar, December 9th 2006

If you are interested in India, there are still some very nice evenings to spend in Bruxelles. Have a look at the Bozar website!

A nice 2D-DIGE difference

This week is very stressful because I am doing a 2200+ euros 2D-DIGE experiment (*) on samples from a rat organ we never studied before and from which I cannot obtain any more new samples.

We found a new pattern of proteins dispersion (compared to our previous experiments on other organs) and, more importantly, we found a clear difference in protein expression in at least 2 spots. In the image below, all the whitish spots mean proteins in these spots are found in equal amounts in the 3 conditions. But spots in red or green mean proteins expressed at different levels (even on/off) between conditions!

Difference in protein expression pattern in rat, revealed by 2D-DIGE

Now, we’ll have to perform a more mathematical/quantitative exploration of these expression patterns and hopefully identify these interesting proteins by mass spectrometry.

(*) 5nmol of Cy dyes (proteins labelling molecules) cost 2215 euros and weight something like 2.75*10-6g! I used nearly all that amount for my experiment. And I don’t take into account the 3-lasers scanner and common lab reagents