Tag: move

Moving from US to Belgium during a pandemic

We moved our family from the US (Maryland, just in case you didn’t know yet) to Belgium – no big deal. During the COVID-19 pandemic, in July-August 2020 – now we’re talking …

I wrote this post to document our journey. We were (and still are) extremely privileged to have been able to do this, in the conditions we did it. The journey is not over. I’ll update and continue to document it until we fall back into something more “normal” … [long post]

Continue reading “Moving from US to Belgium during a pandemic”

Do you gain weight before moving to the USA?

I’ve been using several Fitbit devices since a few years and I decided to stop using them in 2017. My feeling (like many people experienced before) is that wearable devices don’t work. Yes, you’ve read correctly: I was a big supporter of wearables, following the adage “what you can’t measure you can’t manage”, but not anymore.

Why do I write that? What works then? And what does that have to do with the title? Continue reading “Do you gain weight before moving to the USA?”

Welcome again!

Hi, and welcome back on my blog.

Following the progressive migration from epot.org to jepoirrier.net, you landed on the new address for my blog: http://www.jepoirrier.net/blog (new RSS feed here).

The migration process was easy, thanks to the WordPress eXtended RSS that contains posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags. But there are two things left I wanted to keep: existing users and images which links are hard-coded in various posts.

For the links to images, I just replaced the old URL by the new one in VIM: :%s/old_path/new_path/g and voilà!

For the existing users, I just exported data from tables wp_users and wp_usermeta. So if you had an account on my previous blog (mandatory to post comments), you can use the same login and password! 🙂

Building on the move, I also changed links to more “sexy” permalink and allowed Gravatar for all comments (if you don’t have a gravatar, an identicon will be automatically generated for you).

One more thing to do: an automated redirection from the old pages/RSS to this one. I guess it would take the form of a HTTP 301 Redirection but I have still to automate the transformation of the 272 URLs …

See you here for the next post!

Photo credit: “We’ve moved” by Brian Gurrola on Flickr (CC-by-sa).