Tag: India

Calendar of events about India in Belgium

Nachda Sansaar Bhangra group at Bozar in 2006

Although its presence in Belgium is more discreet than China or other European countries (for obvious reasons in the latter case), India has always something to show in Belgium. I decided to put some (most of?) events related to India in Belgium in a calendar so everyone can be aware of them. Here you are:

If you organize or know that something related to India in Belgium will happen, just let me know and I’ll add it to this calendar.

P.S. Although I post the information today (July16th, 2011), the calendar will continue to be updated even after tomorrow 😉
Photo credit: Nachda Sansaar Bhangra group at Bozar from myself 🙂 on Flickr

Happy Diwali 2008 in Belgium!

Diwali by Kalyan Kumar on FlickrDiwali, the Indian Festival of Lights, is under way in India. But if you live in Belgium, there will be at least three occasions to celebrate!

In Antwerpen, first, on October 29th, morning.

Then in Leuven, on November 1st evening, organised by the association of Indian students in Leuven.

Finally in Ghent, on November 3rd evening, organised by the Indo-Belgian Association of Ghent.

Edit on November 1st: Bharatiya Samaj is also organising Diwali in Bruxelles on November 8th.

By the way, Rose, a non-profit organisation supporting and fostering basic education for children in developing countries will organise its traditional Fund raising Indian Dinner on November 29th, 2008, in Leuven.

Photo credit: “happy diwali!” by Kalyan Kumar on Flickr (CC-by-sa)

Kuchipudi at Bozar

This evening, we went to see Mallika Sarabhai dancing Kuchipudi at Bozar. Kuchipudi is a dance from South India. It looks a little bit like Bharatanatyam (with my non-specialists eyes) but with more contact with the audience (or is it the way it was performed by these specific dancers?).

I think that if you want to see only one dance from India, you have to see Bharata Natyam. If you want a gentle introduction to Indian dance, Kuchipudi can be more accessible.

Spice corner at Bozar Bazaar

Yesterday, we went for the Bazaar organised by the Bozar. While people were selling Indian bibelots and food (yummy!), Nandini set up a “Spice Corner” where she exposed and explained everything about Indian spices (you could even taste Pan Masala!). She had quite a success but, unfortunately for some visitors, Nandini did not sell anything. Our famous Peter also had a table for Rose vzw that was represented by Swapna (they were still there on Sunday).

Nandini and Swapna at the Spice Corner, Bozar Bazaar, December 9th 2006

The Bazaar was held in the Horta hall where we also were able to see performances by a folk Rajasthan group, a Bhangra group and two would-be Bollywood actors 😉 The theme was, obviously, Popular India.

Bhangra group performing at Bozar, December 9th 2006

In the evening we went to hear Asha Bhosle, the Queen of Bollywood songs. Although she has her age, listening to her real voice is a totally different experience than listening to a CD or watching a song from a film on DVD. I found this concert great!

From far, Asha Bhosle at Bozar, December 9th 2006

If you are interested in India, there are still some very nice evenings to spend in Bruxelles. Have a look at the Bozar website!

Happy Independence Day!

Today, 15th of August, is the Independence Day of India. Happy Independence Day!

Happy Independence Day, pic from ISAL
Picture from ISAL

Today, the Indian Embassy in Belgium held a very small ceremony (but I was in my lab at that moment ; MS-Word invitation). I guess it is/was celebrated all over India (more pictures on the Times of India website).

Bozar India Festival, Oct06-Jan07By the way, Bozar are organizing an India Festival from October 2006 to January 2007. You’ll enjoy expositions, listen to music, see theatre plays, listen to literature, watch cinema and dance, both from old-style India and from modern India. If I have to pinpoint one event, it will be the Dhrupad concert where my father-in-law will sing with the Gundecha Brothers (dhrupad on Wikipedia). It will be on Wednesday 17.01.2007 at 20:00. But, of course, there will be many more great artists from India …