Month: August 2005

Caught in action!

This morning, I got a fine from the police because, on Sunday, I drove at 70km/h instead of 50km/h on an empty road. 😦 Well, maybe I was at 70km/h, I don’t remember and I didn’t pay attention at that moment. It’s just bad luck: I had to take care of my lab animals on Sunday. That’s why I was on this road. Oh, the beautiful shortcut: I am fined because I pay attention to the well-being of my lab animals. 😉 Anyway, since my wife got her temporary driving licence, I will have to pay attention to this kind of thing in order to give her good driving habits.

Mplayer install for FC3

I had a problem with the default video player in the Fedora Core 3, Totem (it couldn’t initialize a Gstream object or something like that). Instead of fixing it, I decided to install MPlayer and I discovered two interesting websites:

While we are talking about MPlayer, they need a new server: if you have some money to spend, please participate. And, about Gnome, the new issue of the Gnome Journal is out …